HelpEx global glossary

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Active listening

The process of showing interest to someone in communication, we listen and also show that we are listening by nodding, keeping eye contact and responding on verbal or nonverbal signs in communication.


person who puts a case on someone else’s behalf. In social services advocate acts in the best interest of the client.

Augmentative and alternative communication

All forms of communication, which complement or replace speech, whether temporarily or permanently

Autistic spectrum disorder

Life long developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to other people. It also affects how people make sense of the world around them.


Burn-out – syndrome

Which could be caused by overworking. The Burnout Syndrome means translated "being burnt out". Characteristic symptoms are exhaustion and inner emptiness.


Case study

Can be defined as an intensive study about a person, a group of people or a unit, which is aimed to generalize over several units


The information in social services, which you have access to, but should be respected and not shared with others unless it is appropriate to do so.



Process of discharging people from long term institutionalization

Designated person

A responsible person who should be informed (especially in first aids, health and safety, abuse, etc).

Dialogical approach

The dialogical approach enables analysis of direct and indirect discourse, speech genres, hesitations, irony and a variety of other conditions that shape our understanding of dialogue in context.


Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. A disability may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime.


It is the unfair and unequal treatment of an individual or a group of people.

Discrimination abuse

When an individual is abused because of a prejudice view or opinion of them.

Duty of care

Our responsibilities at work, which means that we must consider the impact of our actions or even lack of actions on each individual we are working with.



Is the capacity to recognize feelings that are being experienced by another person


The process of being excluded from community


Good practice examples

A good practice is a real world example (case study) of where a method. or technique has been applied that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved by other means.


Hate crime

When a crime is committed against someone because the perpetrator is discriminating against them and ‘hates’ them.



Ensuring that supported individual is included in activities, making choices and making decisions in all aspects of their life.

Informed choice

In social services if a decision is made, the client must be informed about choices which he/she could make. Staff must make sure that information given to clients are adequate to their understanding.

Institutional abuse

This is often linked with neglect, but is about the regime of a service, which may be overly authoritarian, where routines are set for the benefit of the staff not those using the service. Thus limiting choice, opportunity and empowerment

Interactive approach

Interactive teaching is a means of instructing whereby the teachers actively involve the students in their learning process by way of regular teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, use of audio-visuals, and hands-on demonstrations. The students are constantly encouraged to be active participants.


Job role

All duties and responsibilities according which the care worker works.


Learner centred approach

Learner centred teaching is an approach that places the learner at the centre of the learning. This means that the learner or student is responsible for learning while the tutor is responsible for facilitating the learning. This is also known as student-centred learning.


Mental Health

Psychological well-being

Mutual interviewing

It's a process where both interviewer and the candidate asks questions during the interview.


Obsessive compulsive disorder

Is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions.

Open Educational Resource (OER)

Are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others.



The word „peer“ refers to another person who is on the same level as an affected person with regard to a significant personal criteria, e. g. experience with substance abuse or mental health problems. Based on a prior training peers can give counseling to other affected persons. They listen and offer support in crisis situations, give information on existing self-help and on care structures as well as mediation in self-help.

Person centered support

Providing a support for an individual where they are at the centre. Means that the individual is involved in support package, including the decision-making of how they want that support package to be.

Personal development planning

When planning an in individual’s support package the planning is done including the individual, they are at the centre of the process.

Policies and procedures

These are the ways in which an organization and those working in it carry out their activities.


Are paid staff members in an organisation who are trained on a vocational and/or academic level to work in social services and health care institutions. They belong to professions like social workers, psychologists or therapists.



Refers to trained personnel in health care and rehabilitation. These can be social workers, psychologists or even therapists.

Stress (negative/positive)

Positive stress stimulates the brain to help you to work things out, think more clearly and alerts the body to react quickly

Subject mattered approach

Is a teacher-centered approach to teaching where students are more passive participants in the learning process. Students listen to the information, participate in limited discussion, take notes, and retrieve or recall the information for evaluation purposes.

Supervision (internal/external)

Is time set aside to provide support and guidance to the individual worker.

Supported living

Is defined as persons with disabilities living where and with whom they want, for as long as they want, with the ongoing support needed to sustain that choice


Unsafe practices (techniques)

Practices, which leads to breeching health and safety procedures.

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