HelpEx global glossary

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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The word „peer“ refers to another person who is on the same level as an affected person with regard to a significant personal criteria, e. g. experience with substance abuse or mental health problems. Based on a prior training peers can give counseling to other affected persons. They listen and offer support in crisis situations, give information on existing self-help and on care structures as well as mediation in self-help.

Person centered support

Providing a support for an individual where they are at the centre. Means that the individual is involved in support package, including the decision-making of how they want that support package to be.

Personal development planning

When planning an in individual’s support package the planning is done including the individual, they are at the centre of the process.

Policies and procedures

These are the ways in which an organization and those working in it carry out their activities.


Are paid staff members in an organisation who are trained on a vocational and/or academic level to work in social services and health care institutions. They belong to professions like social workers, psychologists or therapists.