HelpEx global glossary
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Speciální | A | Á | B | C | Č | D | Ď | E | É | Ě | F | G | H | CH | I | Í | J | K | L | M | N | Ň | O | Ó | P | Q | R | Ř | S | Š | T | Ť | U | Ú | Ů | V | W | X | Y | Ý | Z | Ž | VŠE
A |
AdvocateA person who puts a case on someone else’s behalf. In social services advocate acts in the best interest of the client. | |
Augmentative and alternative communicationAll forms of communication, which complement or replace speech, whether temporarily or permanently | |
Autistic spectrum disorderLife long developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to other people. It also affects how people make sense of the world around them. | |
B |
Burn-out – syndromeWhich could be caused by overworking. The Burnout Syndrome means translated "being burnt out". Characteristic symptoms are exhaustion and inner emptiness. | |
C |
Case studyCan be defined as an intensive study about a person, a group of people or a unit, which is aimed to generalize over several units | |
ConfidentialityThe information in social services, which you have access to, but should be respected and not shared with others unless it is appropriate to do so. | |
D |
DeinstitutionalizationProcess of discharging people from long term institutionalization | |
Designated personA responsible person who should be informed (especially in first aids, health and safety, abuse, etc). | |
Dialogical approachThe dialogical approach enables analysis of direct and indirect discourse, speech genres, hesitations, irony and a variety of other conditions that shape our understanding of dialogue in context. | |