Module 1
- Module 1
- M1.PP1 - Salutogenetic Model.ppt
- M1.PP2 - Burnout.pdf
- M1.WS1 - Comic Health.gif
- M1.WS2 - Sense of Coherence.doc
- M1.WS3 - Job Description.doc
- M1.WS4 - Team Roles according to Belbin.doc
- M1.WS5 - Load-Strain Model.doc
- M1.WS6 - Biographical Work.docx
- M1.WS7 - Empowerment.doc
- M1.WS8 - Role Play.doc
- M1.WS9 - Implementation of Peer Work.doc
- M1.WS10 - Developing a program to get peers involved.doc
- M1.WS11 - Basic assumptions about conditions in the working environment.doc
- M1.WS12 - Offering Support.doc
- M1.WS13 - Personal Learning Needs.doc
- M1.WS14 - Terminology Burnout Cycle.doc
- M1.WS15 - Collegial Intervision.doc